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How to choose a good thesis topic in Data Mining? | The Data Mining Blog
I have seen many people asking for help in data mining forums and on other websites about how to choose a good thesis topic in data mining. Therefore, in this this post, I will address this question. Personally, I think that designing or improving data mining techniques is more challenging than using already existing techniques. Moreover, you can make a more fundamental contribution if you work on improving data mining techniques instead of applying them.
Data mining is a broad field consisting of many techniques such as neural networks, association rule mining algorithms, clustering and outlier detection. You should try to get some overview of the different techniques to see what you are more interested in. If your goal is just to apply data mining techniques to achieve some other purpose e. The third thing to consider is which problems you want to solve or what you want to improve.
Master thesis opinion mining requires more thoughts. A good way is to look at recent good master thesis opinion mining mining conferences KDD, ICDM, PKDD, PAKDD, ADMA, DAWAK, etc.
and journals TKDE, TKDD, KAIS, etc, master thesis opinion mining. This helps to see what are the current popular topics and what kind of problems researchers are currently trying to solve. It does not mean that you need to work on the most popular topic. Working on a popular topic e. social network mining has several advantages.
It is easier to get grants or in some case to get your papers accepted in special issues, workshops, etc, master thesis opinion mining. Actually, the most important is that you find a topic that you like and will enjoy working on it for perhaps a few years of your life.
Finding a good problem to work on can require to read several articles to understand what are the limitations of current techniques and decide what can be improved. It is normal that it takes time to find a more specific topic, master thesis opinion mining. Fourth, one should not forget that helping to choose a thesis topic is also the job of the professor that supervise the Master or Ph. D Students. Therefore, if you are looking for a thesis topicit is good to talk with your supervisor and ask for suggestions.
He should help you. Some of them will perhaps have some research projects and ideas that they could give you if you work with them. Choosing a supervisor is a very important and strategic decision that every graduate student has to make.
For more information about choosing a supervisor, you can read this post : How to choose a research advisor for M. There are two problems with this question. The first problem is that it is too general. As mentioned, data mining is a very broad field.
For example, I could suggest you some very specific topics such as detecting outliers in imbalanced stock market data or to optimize the memory efficiency of subgraph mining algorithms for community detection in social networks. But will you like it? It is best to choose something by yourself that you like. The second problem with the master thesis opinion mining question is that choosing a topic is the work that a researcher should do or learn to do.
In fact, in research, master thesis opinion mining, it is equally important to be able to find a good research problem as it is to find a good solution.
Therefore, I highly recommend to try to find a research topic by yourself, as it is important to develop this skill to become a successful researcher. If you are a student, when searching for a topic, you can ask your research advisor to guide you. Also, master thesis opinion mining, just for fun, here is a Ph.
D thesis title generator. Then, I suggest to read the blog post on top of this page. It provides guidance about how to search a topic. Sir, i want to do Ph. D on data mining but i am not a good programmer so please tell me the topic of research on data mining or any other area which need no programming skills.
If you want absolutely NO programming and still do some data mining, then I think that you would have to go toward mathematics and statistics. Or you could do some applied data mining.
For example, you use some already made data mining tools or software such as Matlab or R to analyze some data. The contribution would be to do something new with the data instead of proposing new algorithms. For finding a specific topic, you can read the blog post above which explain the steps for finding a good topic. i am interested in page ranking topic for my mtech thesis in data mining.
Can you suggest me some sources from where i can get good information about the topic? Yes Sir, Mr, master thesis opinion mining. The goal of this blog post is to explain how to search for a topic, rather than give topic.
It takes time to find a good topic, so I cannot do it for you. But you can read the blog post to understand how to search. I want to do a Ph. in statistical data mining. But it is difficult to choose a topic. There are too many data mining topics.
Is it a good idea? What is important is that you will propose something new that has not done before and that is useful. I think master thesis opinion mining it could meet these criteria. I would recommend to read about what has been done on statistical validity tests with decision tree, to try to see what can be done. Note that, even if you choose this as your project, it is possible to change the orientation of your research later on.
Many people have already worked on extending statistics to various types of classifiers. Try to do research on Ensemble classifiers and other types.
As you are interested in decision trees, I suggest you to look at the usage of emerging patterns. D on data mining but i am unable to find any problem in data mining so please tell me the problems on data mining or any other areas.
plz take it master thesis opinion mining. Hoping for your reply at the earliest. Data mining is very broad. I could give you some topics, for example, what about applying neural networks to recognize music, using association rules to classify medical data, improving the memory efficiency of clustering algorithms, sequential pattern mining algorithms, etc. I mean, I could suggest you a lot of topics like that.
But data mining is a very broad field. It would be better that you like. Do you have any specific interests in data mining? I am looking for a research topic within data mining. I read your this reply and I am interested in neural Networks. Please suggest me a topic and where to start looking for it? If you are interested in neural networks, then I see master thesis opinion mining possibilities: improving neural networks or using the neural networks in new ways….
php You could also search on google scholar for recent articles to get some pdf. This will give you some ideas about what is the master thesis opinion mining popular topics related to neural networks.
Then you need to find one that you like. If you have chosen your supervisor already, I think that you should also discuss that with master thesis opinion mining supervisor. Hi Jyoti I am interested in this topic Maybe we can help each other rezaeeamir gmail.
sir i m interested in data mining, master thesis opinion mining. but i feel troublin choosing my research topic kindly suggest me topik i shal b grate ful to u thanks.
I am looking for a research topic within data mining in Big data. sir, i would like to work on the concpt of audio and video streaming in dataminig. which topic will suitable for me for resarch.
Please suggest the topic. You would need to do some literature review to know what people have done on this topic. Sir, iam seraching for a thesis topic in Data Mining for my M. Tech course. I select Cloud Mining but in this topic what i have to do i dont know. Please suggest me. In cloud mining, you could write some master thesis opinion mining data mining algorithms that can run on the Map Reduce framework. This is just an idea, master thesis opinion mining.
There is certainly many other topics on cloud mining. Thanks for the good articles. I want to do research on Data Mining Applications to Agricultural Field topic I feel this interesting topic as of now.
Data Mining Master Thesis Topics - Data Mining Master Thesis Topics Tutorials
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