Essays About Influential Person A Teacher Who Became Influential Person in My Life. When I think of someone is inspiring I think of person who drives The Influence of My Dad on My Love for Sports. I have been fortunate enough to have both my parents in my life, but I Rupert Murdoch and His · The accomplishments of w e w du bosquet essay. Bill Edward Burghardt Du Boqueteau (February twenty three, – August 27, ) was an American civil rights powerhouse, leader, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, mentor, historian, article writer, editor, poet, and scholar. Read blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Sample Essays: Influential Person. Updated February 11, | Infoplease Staff. Please select from the following sample application essays: Essay 1: Wellesley | Essay 2: Harvard | Essay 3: Harvard. Note: The following essays were not edited by EssayEdge Editors. They appear as they were initially reviewed by admissions officers
Sample Essays: Influential Person
Home — Essay Samples — Life — Influential Person — The Most Influential Person in My Life. Any subject. Any type of essay. Influential person essay people in our lives have this special ability to inspire. They give us strength when things get tough, when we feel pessimistic due to some events in our lives, influential person essay, or they motivate us to do the things we want but are afraid of. They influence us by the way they live their lives.
There are many people who can be role models for me, influential person essay. One of them is my stepfather. Him I admire most of all. He helped me in lots of situations, and I became the person I wanted because of him. He is also a role model in the lives of most people who have the privilege of knowing him. The reasons why I value my stepfather are his optimism, hard work, and his kindness.
Along with having to care for himself, he had to care for his mother. He was still in school, at that time, having to do odd jobs here and there. His mother did not have much for him at the time after his father had passed away. Therefore, he was left in a situation that many would have called hopeless.
Most young people would have lost hope and given themselves up to despair. However, this was not the case for my stepfather. He looked at the positive aspects of his life. While he had to work and go to school, influential person essay, he dreamed that one day he would become a successful pilot. Despite all the difficulties, influential person essay, he gave up neither working nor going to influential person essay. He pushed on with his education, and his current success in his career influential person essay the importance of positive thinking.
One more thing I respect my stepfather influential person essay is his will to work hard. After graduating high school at the top of his influential person essay, he entered the Marine Corps, where he served in The Korean War as a fighter pilot. After his tour was over, he came back, influential person essay, a bit shaken up, but unharmed and with his GI bill, influential person essay, he enrolled into USC and in four years graduated at the top of his class once again, with the honors summa cum laude.
My stepfather faced with great financial pressure over the years, influential person essay. He had to take care of his family members on his own. This man was the one person that kept our family running.
Being first an underpaid firefighter, which is a feat itself influential person essay due to the fact he had to pass not only a difficult physical test influential person essay also a mental exam before he was considered to be a firefighter.
His next promotion was to moderately-paid engineer, and to get there he had to pass a written as well as a physical test. Moreover, to qualify for the promotion, he had to have three units of the IFSTA training program; these are units 3 Hose Practice; 5 Fire Streams; and 6 Fire Apparatus.
Finally, he was promoted to a well-paid Captain of the Glendale Fire Department, and to get to the position of captain he had to complete the IFSTA training program having a minimum of two years in grade as a Fire Lieutenant measured as of one year beyond the date of the written examination and pass officer training school.
Also, on the side, he was a private pilot so that he could earn extra money. He worked hard to ensure we could attend the best schools and got a decent meal.
Apart from these things that I learn from his life, he also advises me on the importance of hard work. With time, I have adapted to his way of thinking and turned into a hardworking person. Finally, my stepfather is one of the kindest people I know.
For instance, he has three children with his first wife, yet he treated me like his own daughter so that I never felt left out. He always granted equal opportunities to each child. I remember the time he rewarded me with a very beautiful pin after I graduated high school. This is not common with most stepfathers.
However, he truly cares for and appreciates me as his stepdaughter, as if I were his flesh and blood. And he treats everyone with equal kindness. I admire my stepfather the most because he is the model that has molded my life by showing me the three most important things in life, which are optimism hard work and kindness. My stepfather is a true inspiration in my life. He has shown me influential person essay having the right attitude and values can influence the people around you.
However, I can only try and aspire to be like him. The time I spend with him is never enough, influential person essay. I try to interact with him whenever every I get the chance. This is because I always learn something new, every time I am around him, influential person essay. Undoubtedly, he is a role model for everyone.
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· The accomplishments of w e w du bosquet essay. Bill Edward Burghardt Du Boqueteau (February twenty three, – August 27, ) was an American civil rights powerhouse, leader, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, mentor, historian, article writer, editor, poet, and scholar. Read blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins · Home — Essay Samples — Life — Influential Person — The Most Influential Person in My Life This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins · Sample Essays: Influential Person. Updated February 11, | Infoplease Staff. Please select from the following sample application essays: Essay 1: Wellesley | Essay 2: Harvard | Essay 3: Harvard. Note: The following essays were not edited by EssayEdge Editors. They appear as they were initially reviewed by admissions officers
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