1 day ago · Essay questions on julius caesar read the excerpt from daniel's comparative essay english essay gcse Sample. Grade 12 accounting case study on budgets. Nonprofit social media case study how does culture define literature essay, essay radical reconstruction. Case study on fani cyclone examples of thesis statements for research essays nonprofit Feb 25, · Ongoing, First published Sep 13, AQA ENGLISH LITERATURE (themes and characters) - An Inspector calls - Romeo and Juliet - A Christmas Carol - Power and Conflict poetry (ew) AQA ENGLISH LANGUAGE - Descriptive writing - Narrative writing - Transactional writing EDEXCEL HISTORY - Weimar and Nazi Germany - The cold war - Elizabeth ( May 29, · A well-structured work that includes such sections as Gcse English Literature Essay Examples an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and literature cited. A list of credible sources. Our writers use EBSCO to access peer-reviewed and up-to-date materials. If you have a list of required sources handy, feel free to /10()
Sample essay gcse english
The second section of the exam requires you to write an essay. There will be two questions, one character-based and the other theme-based, example english literature essay gcse. You need to choose one of these. The most important thing is to remember to include as much detail as possible, because this tells the examiner that you know the play very well.
Read and understand the text; respond to the text personally, developing thoughts and opinions; use evidence to support points. The examiners are looking for you to demonstrate good knowledge of the whole play.
You must have a clear idea about:. In the same way that you wrote a brief plan to help you in the extract question, it is a good idea to write a plan for your essay. This means that you can structure your essay properly so that you do not leave anything out or repeat information. You should include some short, relevant text references, but this is not a memory test so do not worry about learning a lot of quotes!
Here are examples of essay titles from a higher tier and a foundation tier exam. To what extent do you find A View from the Bridge an effective title for example english literature essay gcse play? Write about two different examples which show that A View from the Bridge is a good title for the play. Here are two sample example english literature essay gcse which address point two of the essay plan:. The 'bridge' could be said to be Brooklyn Bridge. It is a real bridge in Example english literature essay gcse York.
It links Brooklyn to Manhattan. The people who live in Red Hook, Brooklyn are poor and many of them work at the docks. Eddie and his friends work in the dockyards and they see all types of products being brought into New York. Sometimes they help themselves to goods which allows us to see that they feel that the owners would not mind if a few of their products went missing. The characters would have to cross the bridge to get to the city of New York so I expect they feel separated from it somehow.
This answer shows that the pupil is aware of what the Brooklyn Bridge represents, example english literature essay gcse. It is clear that the idea of the Red Hook residents example english literature essay gcse separated from the rest of New York City is uppermost in the pupil's mind, but the discussion is not analytical enough. The discussion about the dockworkers helping themselves to goods is not relevant here; it should be included as a detail in a different essay.
Another point is to keep the essay impersonal and not use I think. The 'bridge of the title could be said to be the actual Brooklyn Bridge. Alfieri says that Red Hook is on the seaward side of Brooklyn Bridgethe poor area where, from the nineteenth century until after World War Two, Eddie Carbone, his family and many immigrants to the United States, have come to live and work.
The bridge reminds us that the Atlantic Ocean comes into New York via the Hudson River, and the dockyards where Eddie and his friends work are directly under the bridge — the gullet of New York swallowing the tonnage of the world. It looms over their lives, reminding us that although they are physically separated from Manhattan, which is the business and commerce area of New York and all it offers, they are linked to it by this bridge and are therefore as American as anyone else.
As Americans, they can profit from all the good things America has to offer, but they do also have to abide by its laws, which is an important part of the play. This answer gets straight to the point about Brooklyn Bridge and what it represents in the play. Specific quatations are linked to broader ideas in the play. There is a clear understanding of the metaphorical importance of the bridge, acting as not only a physical but also a symbolic link to the rest of the United States.
Change language English Cymraeg Gaeilge Gàidhlig. Essay writing The second section of the exam requires you to write an essay. AO1 Read and understand the text; respond to the text example english literature essay gcse, developing thoughts and opinions; use evidence to support points. You must have a clear idea about: plot characters themes language, form and structure dramatisation In the same way that you wrote a brief plan to help you in the extract question, it is a good idea to write a plan for your essay, example english literature essay gcse.
Higher tier To what extent do you find A View from the Bridge an effective title for the play? Foundation tier Write about two different examples which show that A View from the Bridge is a good title for the play. Planning your answer Introduction.
Explain which examples you have chosen to illustrate the 'bridge' theme Comment on Brooklyn Bridge; where it is and who lives there Comment on the 'bridge' between continents and cultures Comment on the 'bridge' between generations Comment on the 'bridge' between acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour Conclusion. Here you provide a general summing up of your points Higher tier sample answers Here are two sample responses which address point two of the essay plan: Sample answer one The 'bridge' could be said to be Brooklyn Bridge.
Feedback comments — quite focused on the point but needs improvements This answer shows that the pupil is aware of what the Brooklyn Bridge represents, example english literature essay gcse.
Sample answer two The 'bridge of the title could be said to be the actual Brooklyn Bridge. Feedback comments — a much better response This answer gets straight to the point about Brooklyn Bridge and what it represents in the play.
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'A Christmas Carol' Level 9 GCSE Model Answer - English GCSE Mocks Revision - Narrator: Barbara Njau
, time: 25:00Sample GCSE English Literature poetry essay | Teaching English

English Literature. A View from the Bridge (play) Here are examples of essay titles from a higher tier and a foundation tier exam. choose your GCSE subjects and May 29, · A well-structured work that includes such sections as Gcse English Literature Essay Examples an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and literature cited. A list of credible sources. Our writers use EBSCO to access peer-reviewed and up-to-date materials. If you have a list of required sources handy, feel free to /10() Whether the student has answered the task set. How fluently and clearly the student has expressed him/herself. How detailed and developed the response is. Whether appropriate evidence has been used. Whether the student has commented on key contexts, if relevant. You are the examiner. Read through the answer below and decide what level to give it
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